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Tech Connect

The recent sanctions implemented on Russia by the Biden administration for involvement in the recent SolarWinds attack illustrates private companies, government agencies, and our critical infrastructure can be targets of individuals or nation-states around the globe. Ensuring a strong technical workforce is critical to support innovation as well as protect critical digital assets. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) predicts a potential global tech worker shortage of 85 million individuals by 2030.

While a rewarding career the tech field has traditionally not been embraced by all segments of society. The Urban League of Middle TN (ULMT) is changing this, showing a different side of tech by increasing awareness of the different roles that exist as well as supporting diversity efforts including establishing strong workforce pipelines. One of the programs supporting this initiative is TechConnect a statewide program developed in collaboration with ULMT and the Memphis Urban League.

The TechConnect program provides individuals who are looking to enter the tech field and are currently unemployed access to online training at no cost. Once participants complete the program job placement services are also offered at no cost to assist in finding a rewarding career in tech. Participants can choose from one of three tracks including: Technician, Developer and Cybersecurity. For information or to sign up please visit the program website at:


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